Dear Little Blog

Dear Little Blog -

I've neglected you. I'm sorry. Life has been so busy, and I apologize! I set out to write daily, to use my hard-earned degrees, to expand my writing horizons. Instead, I neglect and ignore you, much like a potted plant that enters my home. For this, I apologize.

That being said...I'm starting a new series this month. Yeah, I know it's the 8th of November, and a rather arbitrary day in which to start a new series, but stuff like this just happens sometimes. Life happens. And that's what my series is about.

Without going into too much personal detail, I made the decision to start living and cooking on our stockpile. (Mom, if you're reading this, we're FINE....)

Why, you might ask? I know you coupon religiously, you say...

Well, yeah. I do. I coupon a LOT. And why? Well...basically, my stockpile is full to the brim. Money is tight, and one way I can 'find' some extra cash for a few months is to live from the stockpile, and sock that extra cash away. I understand that some folks literally have to live on their stockpile; it is the only way they keep their tables full. I do not want anyone to think that I mean to trivialize this: hunger in America occurs every day, and for this, I am thankful that even in lean times, coupons keep my family clean, fed, warm, and clothed.

My menu plan for the week is as follows:


yogurt with granola
waffles with fruit
cold cereal
coffee for the Hubster and I


ham sandwiches with cheddar, carrot sticks, dried blueberries
peanut butter sandwiches with apples
mac and cheese with celery sticks
alphabet soup with bread
grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup

cabbage rolls with rice, biscuits
Beer battered fish with french fries, mixed veggies
Baked chicken with stuffing, roasted carrots
Mustard maple baked ham, butternut squash, and green beans
Brats with sauerkraut, pork and beans, carrots and celery sticks
Pizza, salad
spaghetti and meatballs with italian sausage, salad

cheese slices and crackers
bacon grease popcorn (It's my mother in law's recipe...totally divine!)
fresh fruits and veggies
cold cereal

Essentially, I'll be going to the grocery store to get anything that is free after coupon, milk, eggs, fresh produce that I have coupons for, and that's it. While this isn't a true "living off of food storage" experience as I get to go to the grocery still, it is a huge reduction in our monthly food budget. I'm looking forward to free frozen veggies starting this upcoming Saturday, as well as inexpensive produce that I have $1.50 off your next order coupons. I'll detail more of the budget and how I am going to accomplish this later tonight after Hubs gets home and we set a solid number of what we want the budget to be.


  1. Okay, I want the recipe for bacon grease popcorn! I've always got bacon grease on hand ;-)

  2. Taking a break from adding to the stockpile to instead use the stockpile is healthy. I made the same decision this past June and I'm loving it! The money saved is great, but so is the sanity check from figuring out all the deals, lol!

    1. I couldn't agree more! I try and live off the stock every time this year - I need to clean out for all those great holiday bargains!

      I'm focusing this month and next month on eating down my big deep freezer in the basement - there's a lot in there that I know we all love. We're trying to cut some costs, and grow savings even more. I know that even at this time of year, it is entirely possible!

      I just wish I had some nori, sushi rice, and a sushi pad in my stockpile. I'm really craving sushi...bad! ;)


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